Name: Sandra
Birthday: May 17, 1967
From: Berlin (Germany)
Zodiac: Taurus
Hair Color: Grey/Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Language: German, English
Favorite Colors: blue, green, gold, pastels
Favorite Pixels: Dolls, Bears, Fantasy, Gothic
Favorite Food: Sushi, Thai, Paella, Gazpacho, Tiroler Kasspatzn (it’s a kind of pasta but no noodles with special cheese, onions and butter – a Tyrolean dish with lots of calories but delecious:) and everything with cheese
Favorite Drink: Coffee,Water, Tea
Favorite Season: Spring and Summer
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Hobbies: pixeling, TCG, family & friends, reading, card making
Countries/Towns I like to visit: Croatia, Barcelona, Norway – North Cap, all Scandinavian capitals
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